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Skelaten Blog

Friday, 3 October 2003

Yes, yes.

The wheels are in motion. The pizzas are getting cooked. Last night, I bought a set of 3 wicker baskets and one of them is SO perfect for my head. It looks a lot like the one I usually wear, but this one is more forgiving in its flexibility. Fuzzy Sparntz got a fuzzy bass strap. I heard it is real fur, but what can you do? Sparkle has some extra shiny garland and some glitter, and we are gonna rock the Liquid Room tonight.

If you don't go it better be because you are dead (which is still no excuse...), in another state, or in jail, and if you're in jail... BREAK OUT!!!!

Oh it will be so hott. If you are wondering what some of our tracks sound like... check out our wesites: the Angelfire Site OR the IUMA Site.
The IUMA site has streaming audio and 38 mp3s, so that should give you enough to get an idea....

I just can't wait it's gonna be somethin' else!

Posted by sparklesparntz at 11:48 AM EDT

Thursday, 2 October 2003

This just in...

... I heard today that there may be 3 pizzas at the show tomorrow night!!!

Ooooh, I can't wait!!

I am going to go out and get a brand new wicker basket just to make the special occasion even more special! It has to be large enough to fit my head, but tight enough to stay there without falling off if I get into the music.

If anyone out there wants to contribute to my wicker basket collection let me know. I love wicker baskets and will wear them at every show. Our drummer is going to set up the equipment at 7, and I hope that I get here by then. I have to pick up Sparkle and get ready. This shouldn't be a problem, even though I usually get out around 6:00 or 6:15. Hopefully, lots of people will come, but if they don't then there will be plenty of pizza for all of us!

Posted by sparklesparntz at 2:56 PM EDT

Wednesday, 1 October 2003

We are so excited about the upcoming show!!

There will be a pizza there for anyone who wants some, so I'm kinda taking requests from people here as to which kind of pizza I should get for the show. The set list is so hot I can't stand it!!!
I wanted to post it here, but then, where would be the surprise? .... the mystery?? ...the excitement??

Oh well, it'll be fun to see everyone's expressions when we bust out these little ditties...

Some of the songs will be ones you already know, probably, but there are some new ones that people are going to... I don't know... feel one way or another about. At any rate I can't wait.

So, go ahead and make a comment so I know what kind of pizza people will want us to bring.

Oh yeah, and there will be popcorn too.

Posted by sparklesparntz at 11:47 AM EDT

Tuesday, 30 September 2003

Yay! Skellatin has a blog!
Today Wicker Sparntz has made a blog for the band Skellatun. We are very excited about our upcoming shows and this is also an exciting development! We have lots of CDs available and we love all of them! If you want to hear mp3s you should probably check out the IUMA page that Fuzzy Sparntz made:
IUMA Site or check out our Angelfire Site
We are a trio of fun loving Sparntzes and we want to play shows everywhere all the time. We throw down where ever we go: parties, middle of the street, studios, in peoples' cars, grocery stores, peoples' apartments.... where ever! We use regular instruments and electronic ones also. Soon we will add more pictures to everything, as we play more shows, but for now, wander around our sites and you'll get a little feel for what Skellatun is all about.

Posted by sparklesparntz at 11:21 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 30 September 2003 11:28 AM EDT

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