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Skelaten Blog

Friday, 3 October 2003

Yes, yes.

The wheels are in motion. The pizzas are getting cooked. Last night, I bought a set of 3 wicker baskets and one of them is SO perfect for my head. It looks a lot like the one I usually wear, but this one is more forgiving in its flexibility. Fuzzy Sparntz got a fuzzy bass strap. I heard it is real fur, but what can you do? Sparkle has some extra shiny garland and some glitter, and we are gonna rock the Liquid Room tonight.

If you don't go it better be because you are dead (which is still no excuse...), in another state, or in jail, and if you're in jail... BREAK OUT!!!!

Oh it will be so hott. If you are wondering what some of our tracks sound like... check out our wesites: the Angelfire Site OR the IUMA Site.
The IUMA site has streaming audio and 38 mp3s, so that should give you enough to get an idea....

I just can't wait it's gonna be somethin' else!

Posted by sparklesparntz at 11:48 AM EDT

Tuesday, 7 October 2003 - 1:43 PM EDT

Name: Eman
Home Page:

I always thought that the iuma site had 46 songs on it...????

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